Things that get better with age!

Unless you're talking about red wine or aged cheese, getting older is usually fraught with negative implications. But before you get down about getting older, think about it -- there are lots of things that improve with age.
* Wisdom: Sure, it's a little fortune cookie-ish, but consider this: You can acquire knowledge from a book, but only by living can you acquire wisdom.
* Life stories: The longer you live, the more stories you have and the richer they become.
* Emotional stability: Research shows that people get less neurotic as they get older.
* Body image: You finally start appreciating the body you have.
* Brain games: In response to research that cognitive training can keep your brain fit and reduce your chance of developing dementia or Alzheimer's disease, Web sites like are continually creating fun and effective ways to exercise your noggin.
* Vocabulary: And it isn't just because you do crosswords! As long as you keep reading, your verbal ability will continue to improve -- particularly your use of antonyms and synonyms.
* Attention: Studies show that selective attention does not decline with age, meaning you can focus on crucial things and resist distractions that younger people may not be able to ignore.
* Problem-solving skills: Research shows that the aging brain stores more mental outlines of generic problems and solutions that can be applied to new problems.
* Expert knowledge: The information you learn about an occupation or even your favorite hobby resists the effects of aging.
* Self-awareness: You become more attuned to both your mind and body. (The good and the bad!)
* Patience: You've learned that all good things come with time. So what's the hurry?
* Self-esteem: The longer you live, the more things you accomplish (big and small) and the more you have to be proud of.
* Resilience: Your ability to cope with stressors and disasters gets stronger with time and experience.
* Acuity: When you've “been through it all,” you recognize things in life that younger -- less keen -- people don't.
* Common sense: It keeps developing as you survive the dares and risks you take throughout life.
* Admiration: Not only do you admire the accomplishments of others, you also garner their admiration.
* Humor: Your sense of humor gets better with age. And what's a long life without a lot of good laughs?
* Muscle maturity: With repetitive use, you gain the neurological ability to contract your muscles harder, resulting in better muscle definition -- no matter what your age.
* Sports training: The Senior Olympic athletes have learned how to best challenge -- and rest -- their bodies. And as you get older, you can start doing physical activities you really enjoy doing, rather than exercise you think you must do. Family and Relationships
* Marriage: According to 77-year-old Maggie Scarf, author of September Songs: The Good News About Marriage in the Later Years, older couples are more affectionate and say “I love you” more.
* Antiques and collectibles: Their worth is not only in monetary value but the sheer sentimentality of cherished possessions that have been treasured for so many years.
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